Maureen Martin, on a camping trip in 1962

Brother Bruce and Mom again

Pete & Jim Toms - Dad - 1963

Brother David Toms, an Annapolis Midshipman, age 19, taken in 1969

Me - Craig Toms - age 4 in 1957

Dave, in our green pram
Washington, late 50's

Craig & Bruce with pups

Brother Bruce, 1958

Our childhood home in SW Seattle area, 1959, Normandy Park. A wonderful place for boys to grow up!

Me, Craig Toms with first camera, a Kodak Hawkeye Funflash, purchased with cereal box tops. Looking over Dry Falls in eastern Washington, summer of 1962. Note the added feet in the restored version, as they were cut off in the original photo - added back through the magic of AI -