Self Portrait: "Keeping It Real"


"Lovebird's Overlook"

My new book...!​​​​​​​

"I'm afraid it's mate again... in 3 moves - 

... but you've really improved since last time"

I photoshopped a Halloween image of my younger brother Bruce into this pulp fiction book cover...

Here's another take... "Money Street"

And one more for the road...

Youngest brother Pete - he and a friend started the Seattle Solstice Parade in 1989

Oldest brother Dave

Brother Bruce again...

I took this portrait for his entry into Reed College, 1973 

Here he is all grown up, a mobster! 


- Mona Lisa's brother, Keith -

My entry in the Bernie post-inauguration meme-fest  :)

Hawking my latest book 

My friend Scott, at PSP - "The Lifer"

Eastern Washington's Dry Lakes, 1962:

 Me, age 9 with my first camera.

I purchased it with cereal box tops, which took months to accumulate -

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